One year status update
Overall progress is ok but slowed down in the last few months.
Currently i'm taking a break and try to finish a side project of mine but i'm still doing a bit of work on Project Glaurung in between.
TBH, multiplayer tired me out a bit, i've read almost every article on the internet about it and the conclusion isn't pretty. The problem is physics, it's next to impossible to do with client-side prediction in UE4. This topic is a black hole and i spent a lot of time researching. Either i'll find a workaround or physics will have to be cut.
Realistically it will take another year to make a somewhat playable multiplayer alpha.
Current big picture roadmap:
- getting used to the ability system and implement a few basic spells
- have the ability system working flawlessly in multiplayer
- tighten up the warrior attack animations a lot
- implement a somewhat competent AI to playtest with
Estate (new mana stones)