by Quentin » 8. Apr 2022, 01:10
Still on it. Did get a lot done this week but there is just so much to do.
Most of the stuff i don't post to Trello. For example In the last 2 days i made:
- spell book prototype to choose spells from
- custom spell bar
- created an UI for attributes
- expanded item tooltips so it can show requirements
- the inventory live preview now has weapons
- fixed AI so it reacts on damage, the behavior tree is getting a bit convoluted now
- refactored the spell system to allow for better prediction
- char core abilities are now integrated with GAS
Oh, and i'm still thinking about what to do with PvE (singleplayer or mp co-op).
The only thing i'm sure about is that it won't be a Nox-like story-driven campaign.
Main reasons are that i'm not a huge story-driven campaign player myself, it's an insane amount of work and i probably suck at creating campaigns.
Second issue is how to manage progress. I like building up a character, so probably not rogue-like style.
Most i could do is a town + dungeon, maybe procedural generated? A "campaign" with minimal story?
Games that come to mind:
- Diablo 1
- Exanima
Or just random generated maps? but i'm not sure i like the feel of progress here.
Games that come to mind:
- Nox Quest - Items are saved, but there is no character progression at all, you are already max level.
- Gauntlet (2014) - Only gold is saved, you can unlock new skills after each run.