Step 1: Download the NoxPatched.exe --> click
Step 2: Extract it into your Nox folder (ignore the antivir warning, its because of the "no cd")
Step 3: Go to this Site and register there --> click
Step 4: Click the white button below --> "Я принимаю соглашение" ("I accept the terms of the agreement")

Step 5: Now complete the following fields

Step 6: Then you must login there with the new Account (now you can change the board language for longer time to english. In the upper right corner) and go to this site --> click
Step 7: Create there a ingame Account, which you need to login in Noxworld
Finish: Just start Nox and go to Multiplayer/Network/ and you will find the "NoXWorld-Main" Server : )
Special thanks to Evengard and the russian comunity.